Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين

Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين

تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين تعلم اساسيات اللغة الالمانية بكل سهولة حتى level A1

الابجدية German Alphabet | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 1

القنوات المتخصّصة > اللغات > Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين

الابجدية German Alphabet | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 1

627 مشاهدات
أضيف في:
4 يوليو 2018
مقطع فيديو من Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين في اللغات
You want to learn German? Then you're in the right place! Let's start by taking a look at the German alphabet! This is lesson 1 of an entire series which will cover everything you need to know to learn the language and immerse yourself into Germany's culture. "Deutsch lernen" should be your motto from now on for at least a few hours each week! Make it a habit of yours to watch my lessons and Get Germanized in a fun, fast and effective way! Channel description: Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead! My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast! I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!
تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئين تعلم اساسيات اللغة الالمانية بكل سهولة حتى level A1
You want to learn German? Then you're in the right place! Let's start by taking a look at the German alphabet! This is lesson 1 of an entire series which will cover everything you need to know to learn the language and immerse yourself into Germany's culture. "Deutsch lernen" should be your motto from now on for at least a few hours each week! Make it a habit of yours to watch my lessons and Get Germanized in a fun, fast and effective way! Channel description: Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead! My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast! I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!
القنوات المتخصّصة:
    الفيديو التالي:
  • 669 2 مقدمة lr]lmIntroductions | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 2
    You want to learn German? Then you need to know how to properly introduce yourself first! In this video we'll take a look at everything concerning introductions in German - how to tell someone your name, how to ask for their name and how to say goodbye! This is lesson 2 of a whole series of learning videos so if you've missed lesson 1, d!
  • 627 1- الابجدية German Alphabet | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 1
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينYou want to learn German? Then you're in the right place! Let's start by taking a look at the German alphabet! This is lesson 1 of an entire series which will cover everything you need to know to learn the language and immerse yourself into Germany's culture. "Deutsch lernen" should be your motto from now on for at least a few hours each week! Make it a habit of yours to watch my lessons and Get Germanized in a fun, fast and effective way! Channel description: Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead! My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast! I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!
  • 669 2- مقدمة lr]lmIntroductions | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 2
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينYou want to learn German? Then you need to know how to properly introduce yourself first! In this video we'll take a look at everything concerning introductions in German - how to tell someone your name, how to ask for their name and how to say goodbye! This is lesson 2 of a whole series of learning videos so if you've missed lesson 1, d!
  • 647 3- Age, Occupation and Origin | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 3
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينتعلم كيفية التعبير عن السن ومكان الاقامة باللغة الالمانية In the last lesson we learned all about introductions in German, asking for someone's name and saying goodbye. If you missed it, you might wanna check it out first. Otherwise let's get going with German for Beginners Lesson 3. In this lesson you'll learn how to ask for someone's age, occuptation and origin in German, and of course respond to these questions as well. Learn German - Get Germanized
  • 626 4- الارقام German Numbers | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 4
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينIf you want to learn German then you definitely need to find out about German numbers as well! How to count is one of the skills you should aquire early on when learning a new language! In this lesson we'll take a look at the numbers from 1 - 1 trillion and find out how to say 1st, 2nd and so on! By studying the pronunciation of numbers and having done my lesson 3 of German for Beginners, you will also be able to ask someone for their age! The applications are endless! ;) Get Germanized! o تعلم الارقام بالالمانية
  • 735 5- الاخطاء الشائعة Common Misunderstandings | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 5
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينThis lesson is all about miscommunication and misunderstandings you may encounter as a beginner of German. It's completely normal to not understand a native speaker at first but there are some ways you can help bridge the language gap! Learn German and Get Germanized! o الاخطاء الشائعة
  • 607 6- -الايام والشهور Days, Months, Seasons and Holidays | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 6
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينYou want to learn German? Then you need to know about German days, months, seasons and holidays and how to have conversations about them! Learning a new language can be hard sometimes but with the help of my "German for Beginners" lessons you'll master it in no time! الايام والشهور والاجازات
  • 664 7- Expressing Emotions #1 | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 7
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn how to express emotions in German and find out how to say "I'm happy, angry, sad" and so on! We'll also take a look at some of the different conjugations and practice what we've learned in a conversation! Enjoy language and Get Germanized! Musik: Chill Carrier - Time to go تعبير عن المشاعر
  • 670 8- الفاكهة Fruit Vocabulary | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 8
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German fruit vocabulary and understand the German language better! By learning these essential words you can step up your game and get one step closer to mastering German! This is the first of many intensive vocab lessons in the series. Make sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any videos! اسماء الفواكة
  • 589 9- Telling The Time | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 09
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn how to tell the time in German! This lesson will give you all the tools you need to read a German clock, talk about the time and make sure you never get confused again when talking to a native speaker! معرفة الساعة بالالمانية
  • 624 10- معرفة المكان Telling Where You
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn how to tell someone where you're going in German! This is an essential skill and will come in handy on your next trip to Germany! Learn German for beginners, enjoy language and Get Germanized! اعلام بالمكان
  • 630 11- المعالم Common Places in Towns and Cities | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 11
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German vocab about common places in towns and cities! These essential words will come in handy everytime you talk about going out and doing things in German towns and cities! Whether you wanna buy bread or dog food, you will always need these words! I challenge you to write them down, learn them and Get Germanized! :) تعلم الكلمات عن طريق الاماكن المشهورة والمعالم في كل بلد
  • 613 12- الاتجاهات Giving Directions | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 12
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn how to give directions in German and master one of THE most essential skills when traveling Germany! You will learn words and phrases that will help you to give directions but which will also enable you to understand people who you've asked for directions! اعطاء الاتجاهات
  • 692 13- اشهر الاسئلة Common Questions | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 13
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينCommon German questions that you will either be asked frequently or want to ask yourself! Learn them now and make sure to be prepared for you trip to Germany! Find out how to order a beer, ask for the bathroom and much more in today's German for Beginners lesson! اشهر الاسئلة
  • 604 14- اسماء الغرف Room Names | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 14
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German room names in today's beginners lesson while I give you a tour of my home! Here you'll find out about the most basic and essential words you'll need on your next trip to Germany! So throw your dictionary away and study with me instead! :) اسماء الغرف
  • 605 15- التعبيرات Expressing Possession or Two Germans One Cup | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 15
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German and how to express possession in today's beginners lesson! Find out how to say "this is mine, that is hers, that's ours!" and many other expressions in German and Get Germanized!
  • 666 16- German Lazy Speech | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 16
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German lazy speech and make sure to improve your language skills for your next trip to Germany! You know how in English you say "What's up?" instead of "What is up?". Well, we do the same kind of thing in German! Find out more in today's German for Beginners lesson and Get Germanized!
  • 588 17- Common Abbreviations A-D | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 17
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German abbreviations from A-D in today's beginners lesson and find your way around the bureaucratic German jungle! Abbreviations are part of everyday life in Germany and you will encounter them again and again. So make sure to educate yourself and Get Germanized! 0
  • 599 18- اسماء الاعضاء Names of Organs | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 18
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn German names of organs and make sure to turn on your Gehirn while watching today's beginners lesson! This video will provide you with all the common organ vocabulary that you might need. For example when you want to tell someone about how you lost your eye or how that dog bit you in the kidney! So learn these essential words right now and Get Germanized!
  • 654 19- الولايات الالمانية The German States | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 19
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينLearn the German states by heart and impress your teacher and friends! This lesson will provide you with the pronunciation and locations of all "Bundersländer". Replay it, practice and let me know which one you find most difficult to pronounce!
  • 627 20- Math in German #1 | Learn German for Beginners | Lesson 20
    Learn German for Beginners-تعلم الالمانية للمبتدئينGerman math made easy! Learn all the vocabulary necessary to talk about mathematics in German and Get Germanized! Part 1 of the lesson will provide you with the tools you need to understand basic arithmetic operations, decimals, fractions and exponentiation.
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