تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين

تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين

اللغة الإيطالية (بالإيطالية: La Lingua Italiana أو Italiano عن هذا الملف It-italiano.ogg (؟·معلومات))؛ هي إحدى اللغات التي تنتمي إلى عائلة اللغات الهندوأوروبية الرومانسية، يتحدثها نحو 60 مليون نسمة في إيطاليا وحدها، ونحو 70 مليون آخرين في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتعد اللغة الإيطالية إحدى اللغات الرسمية الأربع في الاتحاد السويسري، كما أنها اللغة الرسمية في سان مارينو بالإضافة لكونها اللغة الأولى بعد اللاتينية لدولة الفاتيكان. لقد تبنت الدولة اللغة الإيطالية القياسية (الفصحى) بعد توحيد إيطاليا عام 1815 معتمدة في ذلك على لهجات مدينة فلورنسا. لقد كانت الإيطالية في مراحل تطورها الطويلة قد تأثرت كثيرا باللهجات المحلية المتعددة بالمدن الإيطالية التي كانت وقتها تعد لغات قائمة بذاتها لكل مدينة - دولة، إلا أن الإيطالية وفي المقام الأول تعد الابنة البكر للغة اللاتينية، فقد تأثرت بشكل مباشر باللاتينية وورثت منها الكثير. فمن بين العديد من اللغات الرومانسية التي تنسب في أصلها للاتينية، تعد اللغة الإيطالية هي الأقرب من اللاتينية من جهة مفرادتها اللغوية، التقارب اللغوي في المفردات بين الإيطالية واللغات الرومانسية الأخرى على النحو التالي : 89 % مع الفرنسية، 87 % مع الكتلانية، 85 % مع السردينية، 82 % مع الإسبانية، 78 % مع الرايتو - رومانس، 77 % مع اللغة الرومانية، 52 % مع المالطية.

Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 1: Acute Accent VS Apostrophe

القنوات المتخصّصة > كورسات > اللغات > تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين

Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 1: Acute Accent VS Apostrophe

558 مشاهدات
أضيف في:
9 أبريل 2019
مقطع فيديو من تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين في كورسات
0:16 Skip music 1:28 Skip to the lesson's topic (Acute Accent vs Grave Accent) Welcome to Italian Course. In this course you'll find an Italian native speaker, Claudio, me, teaching you some of my own language. In this particular video I present the beginner series and teach you the difference between the apostrophe and the acute accent. I decided to record these videos because I think there's no free Italian course online that is complete and comprehensive. I will start from scratch and then teach you what's on top of that. I will cover all the basics to get you off the ground. By the end of the beginner series you should be able to understand pretty much everything that is said or written in Italian. Obviously the beginner series alone won't make you an expert, but among other things, that's why it's called BEGINNER series! Depending on how successful the beginner series becomes and how many views/likes/subscriptions I get, I will decide whether or not to go deeper into channels and teach you more advanced Italian, exceptions to rules, etc but for now, enjoy!
اللغة الإيطالية (بالإيطالية: La Lingua Italiana أو Italiano عن هذا الملف It-italiano.ogg (؟·معلومات))؛ هي إحدى اللغات التي تنتمي إلى عائلة اللغات الهندوأوروبية الرومانسية، يتحدثها نحو 60 مليون نسمة في إيطاليا وحدها، ونحو 70 مليون آخرين في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتعد اللغة الإيطالية إحدى اللغات الرسمية الأربع في الاتحاد السويسري، كما أنها اللغة الرسمية في سان مارينو بالإضافة لكونها اللغة الأولى بعد اللاتينية لدولة الفاتيكان. لقد تبنت الدولة اللغة الإيطالية القياسية (الفصحى) بعد توحيد إيطاليا عام 1815 معتمدة في ذلك على لهجات مدينة فلورنسا. لقد كانت الإيطالية في مراحل تطورها الطويلة قد تأثرت كثيرا باللهجات المحلية المتعددة بالمدن الإيطالية التي كانت وقتها تعد لغات قائمة بذاتها لكل مدينة - دولة، إلا أن الإيطالية وفي المقام الأول تعد الابنة البكر للغة اللاتينية، فقد تأثرت بشكل مباشر باللاتينية وورثت منها الكثير. فمن بين العديد من اللغات الرومانسية التي تنسب في أصلها للاتينية، تعد اللغة الإيطالية هي الأقرب من اللاتينية من جهة مفرادتها اللغوية، التقارب اللغوي في المفردات بين الإيطالية واللغات الرومانسية الأخرى على النحو التالي : 89 % مع الفرنسية، 87 % مع الكتلانية، 85 % مع السردينية، 82 % مع الإسبانية، 78 % مع الرايتو - رومانس، 77 % مع اللغة الرومانية، 52 % مع المالطية.
القنوات المتخصّصة:

    الفيديو التالي:
  • 603 2 Italian Course Beginner Series 2: ITALIAN easier than ENGLISH?
    00:16 to skip the music Description: Why Italian is so much easier than English? / Perche l'italiano e' molto piu' facile dell'inglese? Because you pronounce everything you read, of course! Also because there is (almost) perfect 1-to-1 correspondence between spelling and pronunciation. In this video I will prove to you that if you are fluent in English or know how to speak English, learning Italian should be like a walk in the park.
  • 558 1- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 1: Acute Accent VS Apostrophe
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين0:16 Skip music 1:28 Skip to the lesson's topic (Acute Accent vs Grave Accent) Welcome to Italian Course. In this course you'll find an Italian native speaker, Claudio, me, teaching you some of my own language. In this particular video I present the beginner series and teach you the difference between the apostrophe and the acute accent. I decided to record these videos because I think there's no free Italian course online that is complete and comprehensive. I will start from scratch and then teach you what's on top of that. I will cover all the basics to get you off the ground. By the end of the beginner series you should be able to understand pretty much everything that is said or written in Italian. Obviously the beginner series alone won't make you an expert, but among other things, that's why it's called BEGINNER series! Depending on how successful the beginner series becomes and how many views/likes/subscriptions I get, I will decide whether or not to go deeper into channels and teach you more advanced Italian, exceptions to rules, etc but for now, enjoy!
  • 603 2- Italian Course Beginner Series 2: ITALIAN easier than ENGLISH?
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Description: Why Italian is so much easier than English? / Perche l'italiano e' molto piu' facile dell'inglese? Because you pronounce everything you read, of course! Also because there is (almost) perfect 1-to-1 correspondence between spelling and pronunciation. In this video I will prove to you that if you are fluent in English or know how to speak English, learning Italian should be like a walk in the park.
  • 585 3- Italian Course Beginner Series 3: Basic Expressions
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Description: Italian Course Beginner Series lesson 3: Basic Expressions In this video I go through the easiest most common and most basic expressions in the whole entire Italian language. Italian is easy and you are just about to find out how easy it is. These expressions are essentials if you are planning on going to Italy and having some sort of interaction with the local people. These words / expressions are also easy to pronounce and easy to memorise
  • 644 4- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 4: The Italian Alphabet
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Description: In this video I show you the Italian alphabet / l'alfabeto italiano. It's also referred to as proper Italian alphabet because most people confuse the English one with the Italian one. I will tell you the difference between the two and the pronunciation of each letter as well. Nice and easy but also interesting and fundamental. This is stuff that you've got to learn if you are serious about learning the Italian language
  • 642 5- Italian Course Beginner Series 5: GRAMMAR [an introduction]
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 5: GRAMMAR [an introduction] Italian grammar / la grammatica italiana can be quite tricky to learn if you are an English native speaker. In this video I tackle the basic sentence structure, logic structure, gender, number, verbs and contractions to give you a taste for what the Italian language sounds and looks like. ALL of the topics here are just briefly touched upon and WILL be covered in future videos that are already up on YouTube if you are interested in learning more. Have fun
  • 625 6- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 6: Gender & Number
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music GENDER and NUMBER / GENERE e NUMERO. Today we cover the gender and plurality in Italian. We are gonna see what they do to nouns and adjectives in Italian and how we can use them properly. Nouns and adjectives in Italian change ending depending on whether the words they go together with are masculine, feminine, singular or plural. It's easy but it takes a bit of time for English native speakers to get used to the very concept of gender that does not exist in English, Japanese, Chinese as well in many other languages.
  • 568 7- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 7: The Vowels
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Pronouncing the vowels right in any language will make you sound like a native speaker. It's a fact. Therefore, if you are planning on learning Italian and becoming a fluent speaker of Italian, I recommend you learn the Italian vowels / le vocali italiane. In this video I will go through the pronunciation and the use of the vowels as well as the common mistakes that English native speakers make when it comes to speaking the Italian language
  • 614 8- Italian Course Beginner Series 8: The Consonants
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 8: The Consonants In this video we look at how to pronounce all the Italian consonants correctly. The consonant / le consonanti sounds in Italian are the ones involving the use of teeth and tongue. Vocalic sounds instead involve the throat only. Z, R, Gn and Gl will be briefly mentioned but they will be covered in stand-alone videos because they are quite tricky for English native speakers. Enjoy
  • 639 9- Italian Course Beginner Series 9: The 4 Seasons
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 9: The 4 Seasons In this video we will learn the four seasons / le quattro stagioni. They are quite easy but I will try to make it a bit more interesting by giving you advice as to how to use the words in their plural form etc. Gender is also explored as well as plurality.
  • 628 10- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 10: The Z
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music The Italian Z sound / la zeta italiana is pronounced in a unique way. It's easy to learn but it's also very important to get it right. Italian pronunciation is much easier than pronunciation in English but there are a few sounds that can be quite tricky for English native speakers: Z, R, Gn and Gl. In this video I cover the Z sound and give you a few tips as to how to learn it quickly and well, as well as showing you the difference between other simlar sounds in the Italian language that could potentially cause a little bit of confusion. Hope you enjoy
  • 567 11- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 11: GN & GL
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Italian pronunciation is MUCH easier than English pronunciation. English sounds are more and the differences between one and the other are more subtle. However, in Italian there are a few sounds that English native speakers do not know and do not easily get used to. Namely: Z, R, GN and GL. GN and GL are quite similar to one another in terms of what you have to do with your mouth to learn them, so I put them in one single video, this one! In this video I show you some exercises that will help you to learn the GN and GL sounds / i suoni GN e GL quickly and well. Hope it helps.
  • 637 12- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 12: The Months
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Hello, in this video I talk about the months of the year / i mesi dell'anno and I show you what they look like. I talk about the pronunciation of each individual month and gender issues associated with months in Italian. Of course, due to the fact that in the Italian language the gender matters, we explore that in detail. The 12 months are very useful to know, they are easy to remember as they are similar to the months in English but they are surprisingly tricky to pronounce therefore it's going to be very useful to you. You will be able to practice all the pronunciation that we've covered and revise the months at the same time. Hell yeah..
  • 664 13- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 13: Indefinite Articles
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music In this video: Indefinite articles / articoli indeterminativi are covered. In Italian there are different articles that have to be used according to gender and number / genere e numero of the noun that they go along with. I show you what they look like, which one you have to use depending on the word that come next as well as exceptions
  • 678 14- Italian Course Beginner Series lesson 14: Definite Articles
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music In this video I cover definite articles / articoli determinativi and I show you what they look like. What they are used for and how to use them correctly in Italian. The Italian language has a lot of pronouns and articles that you will have to learn how to juggle but they are actually very easy if you know all the rules. I recommend you watch the video on indefinite articles first because I recorded that video first so i explain what articles are in a little bit more detail there. I also give you examples of real life situation sentences with definite articles in them for you to understand better
  • 615 15- Italian Course Beginner Series 15: Common Words & Phrases!
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئين00:16 to skip the music Common words, phrases, sayings and colloquial expressions / parole, frasi, modi di dire comuni e espressioni colloquiali are covered in this video. I am trying to teach you a few very powerful words that you can plug into your own sentences and say what you like (which the ultimate goal of learning a language in the first place). In particular, in this video I will cover a generic statement as well as a question / request which are always useful
  • 644 16- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 16: The Italian Spelling Chart
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئينRequest a copy of the latest pdf version of the Italian Spelling Chart ► https://italianmastery.wordpress.com/spelling-chart The Italian Spelling Chart is an idea I have come up with. It's a table with all the sounds in the Italian language and their spelling! Why is it amazing? Because in English you could never have something like this. Sounds in English have multiple spellings and each spelling is pronounced differently depending on the word it is in and the context. In Italian there is almost perfect one-to-one correspondence between spelling and pronunciation.
  • 602 17- Italian Course Beginner Series 17: The Double Consonants
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئينItalian Course Beginner Series Lesson 17: The Double Consonants The double consonants / le consonanti doppie are surprisingly tricky for English native speakers to get right because they are interpreted differently in the two languages. The Italian language still remains much easier to pronounce than English. The double consonants is just something that students get used to after a while without even realising and that's about it. Not too difficult. Some examples of interesting words are also shown Video by: Claudio The Great Art from: PixelBay.com
  • 605 18- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 18: Double Vowels
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئينKeep in touch and get more content: Double Vowels / vocali doppie have hardly ever been addressed or covered by anyone, I think. Actually double vowels are pronounced in a non-intuitive way in the Italian Language. In this video I explain where the double vowels are very likely to come up, in what words and how to pronounce them correctly like native Italian speakers do. I also give you a few examples of words where you have double vowels (twice the same vowel / multiple consecutive vowels)
  • 581 19- Italian Course Beginner Series Lesson 19: The R
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئينThe rolling R, Italian/Spanish R is easy to pronounce but DIFFICULT to explain. Nobody is doing an amazing job at teaching it in my opinion but I am certainly not capable of anything better than what's already on YouTube. Therefore I decided to record this short video doing the best I can and pointing you to other people's videos that are good in my opinion. The links to those videos are at the end of this description. These videos won't teach you how to pronounce the R but at least they will help. Remember that, as always, there is no substitute for hard work and if you really care about pronouncing the Italian language 100% correctly you are gonna have to practice. If you are in a rush then don't even bother trying, but if you are up for the challenge then these videos might turn out quite useful and will help you master the R quickly. In this video I explain how native speakers learn the Italian/Spanish R and how foreigners do. Pick one method (or both) and don't stop until you get it. This is how we roll.. Yes, I went there.. I went for the cheap joke..
  • 705 20- Italian Course Beginner Series 20: Personal Pronouns
    تعلم اللغة الايطالية للمبتدئينItalian Course Beginner Series lesson 20: Personal Pronouns Subject and Object Personal Pronouns / Pronomi Personali Oggetto e Soggetto are very important and very easy to learn. In fact peronsla pronous play a fundamental role in every language and allow us to communicate. In this video I show you all the personal pronouns in Italian and make a few important points as to when they are used / omitted and I compare them with the English pronouns that you should be already familiar with. All in all, a walk in the park
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