ماذا تعني أحلامك ؟ هل يختلف الرجال و اانساء في طبيعة و شدة رغباتهم الجنسية ؟ هل يمكن للقردة أن تتعلم لغة الإشارة ؟ لماذا نحن غير قادرين على دغدغة أنفسنا ؟ يحاول عالم النفس بول بلوم في هذا الكورس الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة و غيرها الكثير .
و توفير نظرة شاملة عن الدراسة العلمية للفكر و السلوك ، و يستكشف موضوعات مثل الإدراك ، و التواصل ، و التعلم ، و الذاكرة ، و صنع القرار ، و الدين ، و الإقناع ، و الحب و الشهوة ، و الجوع ، الفن ، الخيال ، الأحلام ، و سوف ينظر كيف تطورت هذه الجوانب لدى عقول الأطفال ، و كيف إنها تختلف بإختلاف الناس ، و كيف هي موصلة داخل الدماغ و كيف تنهار بسبب المرض و الإصابة .
مقطع فيديو من كورس مقدمة في علم النفس في كورسات Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
The last lecture in the course wraps up the discussion of clinical psychology with a discussion of treatment efficacy. Does therapy actually work? Professor Bloom summarizes the different types of influences that clinical interventions might have on people who receive therapy.
Professor Bloom ends with a review of one of the most interesting research topics in "positive psychology," happiness. What makes us happy? How does happiness vary across person and culture? What is happiness for? Students will hear how the most recent research in psychology attempts to answer these questions and learn how people are surprisingly bad at predicting what will make them happiest.
00:00 - Chapter . How and Why Therapy Works
07:48 - Chapter 2. Question and Answer on Therapy
:6 - Chapter 3. Happiness and Positive Psychology
8:58 - Chapter 4. Getting Used to Happiness
42:4 - Chapter 5. Closing Remarks ماذا تعني أحلامك ؟ هل يختلف الرجال و اانساء في طبيعة و شدة رغباتهم الجنسية ؟ هل يمكن للقردة أن تتعلم لغة الإشارة ؟ لماذا نحن غير قادرين على دغدغة أنفسنا ؟ يحاول عالم النفس بول بلوم في هذا الكورس الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة و غيرها الكثير .
و توفير نظرة شاملة عن الدراسة العلمية للفكر و السلوك ، و يستكشف موضوعات مثل الإدراك ، و التواصل ، و التعلم ، و الذاكرة ، و صنع القرار ، و الدين ، و الإقناع ، و الحب و الشهوة ، و الجوع ، الفن ، الخيال ، الأحلام ، و سوف ينظر كيف تطورت هذه الجوانب لدى عقول الأطفال ، و كيف إنها تختلف بإختلاف الناس ، و كيف هي موصلة داخل الدماغ و كيف تنهار بسبب المرض و الإصابة .
545مقدمة في علم النفس -10-الحياة الطيبة (السعادة) كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
The last lecture in the course wraps up the discussion of clinical psychology with a discussion of treatment efficacy. Does therapy actually work? Professor Bloom summarizes the different types of influences that clinical interventions might have on people who receive therapy.
Professor Bloom ends with a review of one of the most interesting research topics in "positive psychology," happiness. What makes us happy? How does happiness vary across person and culture? What is happiness for? Students will hear how the most recent research in psychology attempts to answer these questions and learn how people are surprisingly bad at predicting what will make them happiest.
00:00 - Chapter . How and Why Therapy Works
07:48 - Chapter 2. Question and Answer on Therapy
:6 - Chapter 3. Happiness and Positive Psychology
8:58 - Chapter 4. Getting Used to Happiness
42:4 - Chapter 5. Closing Remarks
556مقدمة في علم النفس-9-الصحة النفسية الجزء الثاني كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
This lecture continues to cover one of the most salient areas within the field of psychology known as psychopathology, or clinical psychology. Following a discussion of the different ways of defining mental illness, Professor Bloom reviews several classes of clinical diagnoses including schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, and personality disorders. The lecture concludes with a brief introduction to therapy.
00:00 - Chapter . Identifying Mental Illness
:30 - Chapter 2. Schizophrenia
24:5 - Chapter 3. Anxiety Disorders
30:35 - Chapter 4. Question and Answer on Schizophrenia and Anxiety Disorders
35:02 - Chapter 5. Dissociative Identity Disorders
44:58 - Chapter 6. Question and Answer on Dissociative Identity Disorders
46:3 - Chapter 7. Personality Disorders
54:33 - Chapter 8. Brief History on Therapy
570مقدمة في علم النفس-8-الصحة النفسية الجزء الاول كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
Professor Susan Nolen-Hoeksema describes how modern clinical psychology both identifies and treats various mental disorders. Particular focus is placed upon mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression, including current diagnostic criteria and current practices for treatment.
00:00 - Chapter . Introduction to Dr Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
0:36 - Chapter 2. Behavioral Criteria for Accessing Mental Disorders
:53 - Chapter 3. Unipolar Disorders
2:30 - Chapter 4. Bipolar Disorders
30:20 - Chapter 5. Statistics for Depression
34:04 - Chapter 6. Biological, Cognitive and Interpersonal Theories and Treatments
513مقدمة في علم النفس-7- انا والاخرين الجزء الثاني كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
This lecture begins with the second half of the discussion on social psychology. Students will learn about several important factors influencing how we form impressions of others, including our ability to form rapid impressions about people. This discussion focuses heavily upon stereotypes, including a discussion of their utility, reliability, and the negative effects that even implicit stereotypes can incur.
The second half of the lecture introduces students to two prominent mysteries in the field of psychology. First, students will learn what is known and unknown about sleep, including why we sleep, the different types of sleep, disorders, and of course, dreams, what they are about and why we have them. Second, this half reviews how laughter remains a mysterious and interesting psychological phenomenon. Students will hear theories that attempt to explain what causes us to laugh and why, with a particular emphasis on current evolutionary theory.
00:00 - Chapter . First and Fast: How We Form Impressions of Others
:5 - Chapter 2. Positive Uses and Negative Effects of Stereotypes
27:9 - Chapter 3. Implicit Attitudes
34:47 - Chapter 4. Question and Answer on Stereotypes
38:09 - Chapter 5. The Minor Mystery of Sleep
44:49 - Chapter 6. The Greater Mystery of Dreams
5:3 - Chapter 7. The True Mystery of Laughter
541كورس مقدمة في علم النفس -6- الجزء الاول انا والاخرين كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
This is the first of two lectures on social psychology, the study of how we think about ourselves, other people, and social groups. Students will hear about the famous "six degrees of separation" phenomenon and how it illuminates important individual differences in social connectedness. This lecture also reviews a number of important biases that greatly influence how we think of ourselves as well as other people.
00:00 - Chapter . Social Psychology and Connections Between People
5:56 - Chapter 2. Aspects of the Self: The Spotlight and Transparency Effects
22:39 - Chapter 3. Aspects of the Self: You're Terrific!
27:00 - Chapter 4. Aspects of the Self: Cognitive Dissonance
40:00 - Chapter 5. Self and the Other
50:03 - Chapter 6. How We Think About Other People
506كورس مقدمة في علم النفس -5- (الاخلاق) كورس مقدمة في علم النفسIntroduction to Psychology (PSYC 0)
Professor Bloom provides an introduction to psychological theories of morality. Students will learn how research in psychology has helped answer some of the most central questions about human morality. For instance, which emotions are "moral" and why did these moral feelings evolve? What factors guide our moral judgments? And what factors predict when good people will do bad things?
00:00 - Chapter . Kin Selection, Cooperation and Moral Feelings
23:07 - Chapter 2. Moral Reasoning and Moral Judgments
38:46 - Chapter 3. Milgram's Work in the Context of Morality
46:9 - Chapter 4. Two Forces for Evil, Two Forces for Good
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