جرافيك ديزاين أو تصميم الجرافيك أو فن التواصل البصري هو أسلوب فني إبداعي يهدف إلى إيصال فكرة معينة إلى الجمهور المستهدف عبر تصميم أو مجموعة من التصاميم، وذلك باستخدام العديد من الأساليب التي تؤدي في نهاية الأمر إلى الخروج بعمل فني يخدم الرسالة التي نريد إيصالها.
ويمكن اعتبار الجرافيك ديزاين هو الشكل الأكثر تطورًا وحداثة من فن الرسم الذي كان سابقًا يلجأ إليه البعض للتعبير عن أفكارهم باستخدام الريشة والألوان. أما اليوم ومع التطور التكنلوجي الكبير، تحول الأمر بهذا المجال من استخدام الريشة والألوان الزيتية إلى استخدام أدوات أخرى أكثر تطورًا بفضل التقدم التقني الحاصل.
Graphic design tutorial for beginners | How to learn Graphic design
Graphic design tutorial for beginners | How to learn Graphic design
645 مشاهدات
أضيف في: 31 يناير 2019
مقطع فيديو من Graphic design tutorial for beginners في كورسات Graphic design tutorial for beginners, are you tired in learning Photoshop tricks without understanding how to apply the software to real design? Or maybe you just want to understand what really is design and how can you become a real designer? Design goes way beyond software and there is a lot of theory behind it. In this lesson, you'll learn the basics needed to create amazing and real design.
In this lesson, you won't need any sort of equipment or specific software. "Why? Isn't design just Photoshop?". By understanding the process behind what real designers do and understand, you will also be able to see what makes good design. Why is that logo appealing? Why does that poster grab my attention? How is it that I can understand that ad, even though nothing is written on it? After participating in this lesson, you'll finally understand more of design and gain the ability to see the world in a different way.
جرافيك ديزاين أو تصميم الجرافيك أو فن التواصل البصري هو أسلوب فني إبداعي يهدف إلى إيصال فكرة معينة إلى الجمهور المستهدف عبر تصميم أو مجموعة من التصاميم، وذلك باستخدام العديد من الأساليب التي تؤدي في نهاية الأمر إلى الخروج بعمل فني يخدم الرسالة التي نريد إيصالها.
ويمكن اعتبار الجرافيك ديزاين هو الشكل الأكثر تطورًا وحداثة من فن الرسم الذي كان سابقًا يلجأ إليه البعض للتعبير عن أفكارهم باستخدام الريشة والألوان. أما اليوم ومع التطور التكنلوجي الكبير، تحول الأمر بهذا المجال من استخدام الريشة والألوان الزيتية إلى استخدام أدوات أخرى أكثر تطورًا بفضل التقدم التقني الحاصل.
6832Photoshop CS6 tutorial for beginners | Adobe photoshop CS6 tutorial Photoshop CS6 tutorial new features. In this lesson, you will learn Photoshop CS6 new features. Learn all that you need to about what's new in Photoshop CS6, including improvements to the crop tool, layer enhancements, content-aware move, the styles, the blur gallery, and much more.
Photoshop CS6 tutorial for beginners brings exciting and innovative new features which will appeal to all types of users, as well as a modern new look and impressive performance enhancements to benefit everyone. Don't let the "new look" remarks scare you away, though--Photoshop was in much need of an interface makeover, and you will still be able to get around and find the tools you need and Adobe is always adding enhancements to help get the job done faster and with less frustration.
6451- Graphic design tutorial for beginners | How to learn Graphic design Graphic design tutorial for beginnersGraphic design tutorial for beginners, are you tired in learning Photoshop tricks without understanding how to apply the software to real design? Or maybe you just want to understand what really is design and how can you become a real designer? Design goes way beyond software and there is a lot of theory behind it. In this lesson, you'll learn the basics needed to create amazing and real design.
In this lesson, you won't need any sort of equipment or specific software. "Why? Isn't design just Photoshop?". By understanding the process behind what real designers do and understand, you will also be able to see what makes good design. Why is that logo appealing? Why does that poster grab my attention? How is it that I can understand that ad, even though nothing is written on it? After participating in this lesson, you'll finally understand more of design and gain the ability to see the world in a different way.
6832- Photoshop CS6 tutorial for beginners | Adobe photoshop CS6 tutorial Graphic design tutorial for beginnersPhotoshop CS6 tutorial new features. In this lesson, you will learn Photoshop CS6 new features. Learn all that you need to about what's new in Photoshop CS6, including improvements to the crop tool, layer enhancements, content-aware move, the styles, the blur gallery, and much more.
Photoshop CS6 tutorial for beginners brings exciting and innovative new features which will appeal to all types of users, as well as a modern new look and impressive performance enhancements to benefit everyone. Don't let the "new look" remarks scare you away, though--Photoshop was in much need of an interface makeover, and you will still be able to get around and find the tools you need and Adobe is always adding enhancements to help get the job done faster and with less frustration.
7213- Graphic Design for Beginners Graphic design tutorial for beginnersThis is a slide show presentation on the basics of graphic design, including a look at the Principles of Design in action. This slide show was created for a middle school audience.
7875- Michael Bierut: "How to use graphic design" | Talks at Google Graphic design tutorial for beginnersRecorded in London, September 2015
Michael Bierut is a partner in the New York office of the international design consultancy Pentagram. Bierut began his career with the legendary designer Massimo Vignelli. In over 35 years of practice, he has worked for every kind of client imaginable, from professional football teams to academic research laboratories. He was elected to the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in 2003 and was awarded the profession’s highest honor, the AIGA Medal, in 2006. Two years later, he was named winner in the Design Mind category of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Awards. A teacher at the Yale School of Art and a co-founder of the Design Observer website, Bierut is the author of Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design and the co-editor of the five-volume series Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design.
6256- How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley Graphic design tutorial for beginnershttp://www.ted.com Is your school or workplace divided into "creatives" versus practical people? Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the domain of only a chosen few. Telling stories from his legendary design career and his own life, he offers ways to build the confidence to create... (From The Design Studio session at TED2012, guest-curated by Chee Pearlman and David Rockwell.)
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate
If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to http://support.ted.com
7198- How To Make Shirt Designs - Episode 1 #Photoshop Graphic design tutorial for beginnersHow To Make Shirt Designs - Episode 1
In my new series "How To Make Shirt Designs" I go over different ways to create shirt graphics using the tools Photoshop & Illustrator gives you. I design a new graphic in each episode so I hope you can learn something new in each episode. Thank you for watching! :]
69812- LET Graphic design tutorial for beginnersVideo Overview
This video is Part 1 of Vortek's 4 Part series on "How to Make a Mascot"! This series will teach designers step by step on how to improve mascot logo creation. Part 1 of this series will introduce you to Vortek's process on "Sketching". Watching this series will bring each of you one step closer to making viral mascot logos!
66413- Professional Logo Tutorial - Adobe Illustrator CC Graphic design tutorial for beginners3 different modern logos using different Illustrator tools to complete. All fonts are taken from Typekit, and everything here can be built with a Adobe CC subscription.
68114- Learn to Draw Anything with Adobe Illustrator CC Graphic design tutorial for beginnersThis is a recorded version of a seminar about drawing techniques in Adobe Illustrator CC. You can learn a lot of useful methods about the Pen Tool and its alternatives and also about drawing with shapes.
Some features presented in this seminar might not work in older versions of Illustrator as it was recorded with CC 2017.
Fisherman illustration is done by talented artist Doremi Illustrations:
0:00 Intro
1:56 Adding Details and Color/Light importance
5:04 Tool: Pen
8:00 Tool: Pen: Curving lines
9:35 Tool: Pen: Ying Yang Icon
11:00 Corners (41:11)
13:57 Symmetrical shapes method 1 (15:10) (37:18)
16:16 Symmetrical shapes method 2 (19:22)
17:17 Tool: Transform effect
20:47 Tool: Shape Builder (Examples)
21:51 Shape Builder: Twitter Logo
24:20 Rounded rectangle tips
25:13 Tool: Expand
26:15 Shape Builder: Celtic Cross
26:47 Tool: Live Pain Bucket
27:20 Tool: Recolor Artwork
28:50 Recolor Artwork: Color Locking
29:21 Recolor Artwork: Color Groups
30:00 Appearance and Graphic Style
32:03 Example: Making and Illustration with the tools
33:25 Direct Selection (37:50)
33:45 Gradients (36:15)
35:32 Pencil
38:11 Shape Builder: for erasing
39:00 Eraser
40:40 Tool: Width tool
41:35 Method: Draw inside
73315- Learn to Draw Anything with Adobe Illustrator CC Graphic design tutorial for beginnersThis is a recorded version of a seminar about drawing techniques in Adobe Illustrator CC. You can learn a lot of useful methods about the Pen Tool and its alternatives and also about drawing with shapes.
Some features presented in this seminar might not work in older versions of Illustrator as it was recorded with CC 2017.
Fisherman illustration is done by talented artist Doremi Illustrations:
0:00 Intro
1:56 Adding Details and Color/Light importance
5:04 Tool: Pen
8:00 Tool: Pen: Curving lines
9:35 Tool: Pen: Ying Yang Icon
11:00 Corners (41:11)
13:57 Symmetrical shapes method 1 (15:10) (37:18)
16:16 Symmetrical shapes method 2 (19:22)
17:17 Tool: Transform effect
20:47 Tool: Shape Builder (Examples)
21:51 Shape Builder: Twitter Logo
24:20 Rounded rectangle tips
25:13 Tool: Expand
26:15 Shape Builder: Celtic Cross
26:47 Tool: Live Pain Bucket
27:20 Tool: Recolor Artwork
28:50 Recolor Artwork: Color Locking
29:21 Recolor Artwork: Color Groups
30:00 Appearance and Graphic Style
32:03 Example: Making and Illustration with the tools
33:25 Direct Selection (37:50)
33:45 Gradients (36:15)
35:32 Pencil
38:11 Shape Builder: for erasing
39:00 Eraser
40:40 Tool: Width tool
41:35 Method: Draw inside
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