اسلاموفوبيا Islamophobia - التعريف بالاسلام

اسلاموفوبيا Islamophobia - التعريف بالاسلام

هل المسلمون يمثلون الاسلام تمثيل حضاريا معالجة المفاهيم الخاطئة حول الإسلام بشكل عام Unlike most of the religious programs, this year, targeting the mind and not only the soul was the vision of Axeer Studio in producing Islamophobia; A program that refutes specific misconceptions about Islam, giving the audience a deeper understanding of how to tackle misconceptions about Islam in general. Along the holy month, Eng. FadelSoliman, the founder and director of Bridges Foundation, will refute 30 of the most known misconceptions about Islam. An episode per day will be aired on the website of the show; www.islamophobiatv.com

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القنوات المتخصّصة > يوتيوب في الخير > اسلاموفوبيا Islamophobia - التعريف بالاسلام

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فاضل سليمانفاضل سليمان ( المهندس و المدرب و الداعية )

أضيف في:
17 سبتمبر 2024
مقطع فيديو من اسلاموفوبيا Islamophobia - التعريف بالاسلام في يوتيوب في الخير
هل المسلمون يمثلون الاسلام تمثيل حضاريا معالجة المفاهيم الخاطئة حول الإسلام بشكل عام Unlike most of the religious programs, this year, targeting the mind and not only the soul was the vision of Axeer Studio in producing Islamophobia; A program that refutes specific misconceptions about Islam, giving the audience a deeper understanding of how to tackle misconceptions about Islam in general. Along the holy month, Eng. FadelSoliman, the founder and director of Bridges Foundation, will refute 30 of the most known misconceptions about Islam. An episode per day will be aired on the website of the show; www.islamophobiatv.com
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